Visible spectrum : the range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that you usually see .
Electromagnetic spectrum : the whole spectrum , including electric , magnetic , and visible radiation .
Diaphragm : a plate with a whole in the center of it , thats placed on the axis of an optical instrument , like a camera that controls how much light comes in .
Image sensor : a device that changes a picture into an electronic signal .
Aperture : an opening in which light travels
Shutter : a device that alllow light to come in through the aperture for a specific amount of time .
Exposure : the amount of light allowed to come in and hit a certain area .
Depth of field : the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene , that appear sharp .
F-stop : the ratio of the lens focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil .
Focal length : the measurement of how strongly the system converges or diverges light .
In the front i see of course the on and off power switch , i also see a twisting button that i believe changes modes , there is another twisty button above the power switch but i don't know what it does , the last button i see is next to the lens and i don't know what that one does either .
In the back i see a button with an asteric , another one with a "Av" which handels aperture priority another with a camera that lets you switch to viedo , one with "Q" , another that says "disp." , i see four arrows with a button in the middle labled "set" , a triangle that lets you playback your pictures , a menu button , & last but definitley not least a button with a little box in it .
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