1. Label the type of photography it is.
This type of photography is classified as Photojournalism.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Two rule of composition evident in this photo are rule of thirds and balance, balance because there are two subjects in the photo, and rule of thirds because the subjects are not centered in the photo.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work the photographer had to do to capture this image?
Gain access into what ever area where the panic was occurring.
1. Label the type of photography it is.
This type of photography is street photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
This photo has balance, because the two main subjects, are at the center of the photo.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work the photographer had to do to capture this image?
The photographer had to obtain access to this area, and use a tripod, to capture the motion blur of the people running.
1. Label the type of photography it is.
The type of photography of this photo is a mix between portraits and landscape because the depth of this photo comes from creating a contrast between the land, and subject.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Rules of composition in this photo are rule of thirds, because the subject is not centered in the photo, and contrast, created by the dark background and bright color of the young girls dress.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work photographer had to do to capture this image?
The photographer may have had to get permission to photograph the girl if she was a stranger.
1. Label the type of photography it is. Examples:
This type of photography is photojournalism.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Rules of composition evident in this photo are rule of thirds, because the subject is off to the left, and leading lines, because the angle from which the photographer took this picture leads the audiences eye down the alley in the photo.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work the photographer had to do to capture this image?
The photographer must have gained access to the area where this panic was occurring.
1. Label the type of photography it is.
This type of photography is street photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
A rule of composition in this photo is balance created by the similarity of the girl and the portrait of the girl she has painted.
3. Describe the lighting:
This photographer may have needed a passport to get into this country.
This type of photography is street photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
A rule of composition in this photo is balance created by the similarity of the girl and the portrait of the girl she has painted.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
This photographer may have needed a passport to get into this country.
1. Label the type of photography it is.
This type of photography is nature photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Rules of composition in this photo are balance, between the turtles, and contrast created by the colors of the background and butterflies.
3. Describe the lighting:
The photographer of this photo probably waited a long time for the butterflies in this photo to land exactly where he wanted them- on the turtles' noses.
This type of photography is nature photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
Rules of composition in this photo are balance, between the turtles, and contrast created by the colors of the background and butterflies.
3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
The photographer of this photo probably waited a long time for the butterflies in this photo to land exactly where he wanted them- on the turtles' noses.
1. Label the type of photography it is.
This type of photography is sports photography.
2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.
The rules of composition in this photo are viewpoint and background, the photographer takes the photo from an angle that makes the player seem the center of attention, and background because its simplicity helps to focus the audiences attention on the player alone. 3. Describe the lighting:
- Light source or light sources?
- Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
- How did the photographer enhance the photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work photographer have to do to capture this image?
The photographer had to gain access to the game at which this photo was taken.
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